Read the Instructions carefully and keep the required document/data ready as required in the application form.

Check your filled details carefully in the form preview before the final submission of the application. Sometime Browser Autofill option may populate wrong information in the form field or may populate information in the wrong form field.

Current Fellowship / Associateship Positions

Adv No. Position Start Date End Date Status

How to Apply

1 Candidates need to apply online only and no other mode of application will be accepted.
2 Candidates need to register him/her self before Applying Online.
3 Candidates are requested to carefully go through the detailed advertisement and CSIR-HRDG website before filling up the online application form to know the eligibility criteria, pre-requisite, and important instructions for applying online.
4 Read the FAQ section to get answers to commonly asked questions/queries.
5 Only one application per candidate will be accepted by the system.
6 Give your correct email id, which should be accurately written, as all further correspondence will be through email, and CSIR - HRDG will not be responsible for any communication not received due to an incorrect email id.
7 To avoid last minute rush, candidates are advised to apply early enough. CSIR will not be responsible for network or any other such type of problems.
8 Once the application form is filled up, please save/submit it within 40 minutes, otherwise, your session will be expired and you need to re-login.
9 It is recommended to use the latest/updated browser which supports security protocol versions TLS 1.1 / TLS 1.2. To check if your browser can handle TLS v1.1 and v1.2, open https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/viewMyClient.html in your browser before filling out the online application.
10 Candidates should keep ready the below documents as per the given specifications.
(a) Photo
(b) Signature
(c) Age proof
(d) Combined document: Qualifying degree + grade to % conversion certificate, if any + PhD registration / submission/ award proof
(e) Caste certificate, if applicable then it is mandatory
(f) PwD certificate, if applicable then it is mandatory
(g) Experience certificate (Which includes fellowship/associateship OMs) and Employed candidates have to submit duly signed undertaking for leaving the job if get selected for the fellowship/associateship
(h) Combined document: Duly signed and stamped declaration and undertaking form by the candidate, supervisor, and Head of the institution [Download declaration and undertaking format] + Testimonials + Research Proposal
(i) Combined document: First page of maximum 3 best research Papers in a single pdf, if applicable.
11 Document Specifications:
Photo: Format - JPEG/JPG, dimension - 130x160 to 260x320, file size less than 150KB.
Signature: Format - JPEG/JPG, dimension - 90X25 to 225x100, file size less than 150KB.
Documents: The documents should have a .pdf extension only, file size less than 1MB.
Valid Filename: Should have only one extension, only Alpha-Numeric characters allowed with a hyphen (-) and underscore (_), space not allowed, the File extension should be in small letters. (Ex. msc degree.pdf (), mscdegree.PDF (), mscdegree.pdf (), msc_degree.pdf (), msc-degree.pdf ()).
For any queries please refer FAQ section or send mail to emr1[at]csirhrdg[dot]res[dot]in